Pastor Randy has officially kicked off the new series at church, S.H.A.P.E. What is your shape? Well, maybe the best way to determine your shape is to break it down and work from there. So, here is the breakdown for the series:
• S = Spiritual Gifts
• H = Heart
• A = Abilities
• P = Personality
• E = Experiences
To be honest about this series, I have been both excited and terrified about it at the same time. Why? You ask. Well, because I pretty much knew this series was going to hit home pretty hard. I need to get into shape in so many ways these days, emotionally, physically, and even spiritually. This week’s topic, Spiritual Gifts, hit home particularly hard as this is something I have been struggling with since losing my job recently.
For those of you who have known me for any length of time are aware of where my heart and passions lie, in the theatre. I love to act and perform. The theatre, any theatre, is where I feel most alive and most “at home” and many of you are aware of that. Since losing my job, and even in the several weeks leading up to my termination, I have done a lot of thinking of “how am I using my theatre skills and abilities for God?” There have been many times in my past where I felt like every performance I gave, regardless of location, was a performance directed by God, Himself. From doing theatre on the streets of Belfast, Northern Ireland, with Youth For Christ, to performing at the collegiate level, and even as the Director of Theatre at First Assembly in Pendleton.
It didn’t matter if it was a secular show or a church function it felt like I was right where God wanted me, using the gifts and abilities He had given me just as He had intended for them to be used. Over the years, it would seem that I have gotten away from performing “in the church” or “for the church.” While I still prayed before every show that God would use me and my giftings to affect even one life for Him (a tradition started at age 14, thanks to my high school director, Rem) a lot of my performances have felt more about entertainment than anything else.
I am not saying that every performance has to be a “Christian” one, as Rem pointed out my Senior year, “Stephan, when you perform, you affect people in one of two ways, for the good or for the bad, there is no in between.”
He was right, that year I won the State Acting Championship with a friend and she and I placed 2nd at the International Thespian Festival in Lincoln, Nebraska later tat same year. My friend and I put together a weekend of performances of the full length version of the show our competition piece was based on. Opening night was possibly the worst night of theatre I have ever been associated with, however, that night affected many lives. One man had kept an engagement ring in his pocket for three weeks waiting for the perfect moment to propose, after seeing the show, he proposed in the lobby because he didn’t want to live one more day without her. Another man called his pastor and asked to buy 25 tickets for his adult Sunday school class, ‘cause this show had shown him there are only two ways to live your life and he was on the wrong path.
Keep in mind this show had nothing to do with Christianity, or God, or church for that matter. The only connection to God was that both performers were Christians and that we prayed together before each rehearsal and show. I am not kidding when I say the opening night was horrible, and it totally showed me that it has nothing to do with my words or abilities, that Rem was right, shows affect people both for the good and the bad. And God was powerful enough, and skilled enough to take our worst show ever and turn it into good for His glory.
So of course with all these memories on my mind, I attended Sunday morning’s service with some trepidation on my part. I have felt recently like I was failing to use my gifts and abilities the way in which God has intended and I felt like this message would be very convicting. I wasn’t too far off…
Pastor titled the message “The ‘ABC’s’ of Spiritual Gifts.” He proceeded to breakdown Spiritual Gifts and their importance to us, for it says in 1 Corinthians 12:1 “I want you to understand about spiritual gifts.” This is how he broke it down:
• A = Awareness. What are Spiritual Gifts?
~ It is something EVERY Christian has. (1 Cor. 7:7)
~It is something GIVEN not earned or even willed. (Eph. 4:7)
~ It is something supernatural, not natural. (1 Cor. 12:4-6)
• B = Benefits. Why are Spiritual Gifts so important?
~ Others will be served. (1 Peter 4:10)
~ The Church will be strengthened. (1 Cor. 12:7)
~ You will be stable. (Eph. 4:14)
• C = Commitment. How can I use my gifts?
~ Discover your gifts! (1 Tim. 4:14) more on this in a minute
~ Dedicate your gifts! (Romans 6:13)
~ Develop your gifts! (2 Tim. 1:6)
~ Deploy your gifts! (Romans 12:6)
Yeah, all this is great right? But how do you really know whether or not you are using your gifts they way they were intended and how do you really know what those gifts are?
Well, I am going to disagree with the Pastor a little here, and feel free to disagree with me, but I think this is one of those things in life where “you know when you know.” Usually you hear that phrase when you ask some married couple how did you know you were marrying the right person, and they just say “Oh, you know, I just knew when I knew.”
I think deep down we all know what our Spiritual Giftings are, and we all definitely know or at least feel when we aren’t using them as God intended. Pastor Randy did give a quick breakdown on how to determine your giftings and I felt they are definitely useful:
• Examine: Study about Spiritual Gifts
• Evaluate: Look at what you are good at.
• Experiment: “Try” through serving.
He even mentioned asking others around you where they felt your giftings fit in. There are all kinds of books and online tests when it comes to this area of service to God. And I fully believe this is an area that I need improvement in, otherwise, I would not have so many nerves when it comes to approaching this issue. Somehow though I don’t think I am the only one…I think there are many Christians trying to find where they fit into this whole ‘church’ and ‘God’ stuff.
I will continue to pursue the answers to my questions about where I fit in and how exactly God wants me to use my giftings and where. And while I do this, my prayer will be that I remember the two most important parts from Sunday’s message, at least from my perspective: “Spiritual Gifts are about OTHER people” and “My Spiritual Gift is: the power to bless others.”
Dear God,
Please show me the way and the how to use the gifts you have given me. Give me the power, wisdom, and strength, to remove the focus from me and my life and show me how to use these gifts for your Will, your Glory, and for your Kingdom. Amen.
1 comment:
wow... great detail... you could preach this!
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