No that isn't Portia who got rid of the Easter Bunny...but I couldn't resist posting this image as I wish everyone a Happy Easter Sunday...I thought this somewhat twisted Easter humor pic might help emphasize the true meaning of isn't about bunnies and this day is to celebrate the Sacrifice and Resurrection of the the Risen Lord! So, whether or not the Easter Bunny shows up with multicolored eggs at your home or not today, let us not forget that He is Risen...He is Risen, Indeed!
For those of you who have known me for any length of time you know that this holiday ranks as one of my most favorite...traditionally, I would be watching the Disney classic Darby O'Gill and the Little People and drinking fine Irish drinks with my friends...Barney and the boys...Sarah and Dr. D...Sarah M, Jo Jo, and the C.O. gang...followed by a parade through the streets of La Grande or Bend or wherever I am with all three Irish flags and the 6 foot 2 leprechaun in full effect! However, this year I did not have my Irish gear with me or my movie as all those things are back in storage in Bend. Let me tell you Williamsburg, Virginia is not exactly a mecca for St. Patty's Day celebrations...not that I should be surprised as it was founded by a bunch of uptight Anglicans from the King's Church of England...and it has barely gotten away from that to this day. Nevertheless, I did don my green clothes, complete with Special Edition Boston Red Sox St. Patrick's Day baseball cap and marched through the streets of Williamsburg listening to an all Irish all the time mix on my Ipod. After a 5.1 mile hike over the Monticello Shopping Center to run some errands I came across Spectator's Family Sports Bar where today's special: Corned Beef and Cabbage!! So for lunch I went straight in and had me a Guinness and the special...oh how do I wish you all had been there with me!! It was amazing and gave me just enough energy to make the 5.1 mile return trip home!! HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY EVERYONE!!!!
And if you are what do you see? Better yet, what are you doing about what you see?
Today I really wanted to write a humorous post of some sort...something about how I currently find myself living in a different world here in the State of one duce up and one duce down (think about it and you'll get it). And how crazy this State is when it comes to personalized license plates (I don't think they actually make randomized/generic plates here at all). But I think it is best that I save that kind of post for another day...
Looking with compassion, looking as Jesus looked, has been the lesson in my life for the past couple of weeks. I will be the first to admit that I don't do a very good job of this...and the only reason is because looking with compassion usually requires action, an investment, and it usually costs me something...and let's face it, those are things we would rather avoid at all costs...especially the last one, we always want to make sure whatever we do is worth the sacrifice of ourselves, time, money, love, etc. But then today I am going about my day off and just worrying about my life and situation...then without revealing anything a friend informs me of a situation that is far greater than anything I have to worry about...a few hours later I am walking home and I hear this song I have on my I-pod. It's called CRAZY MARY by FM Static...and this time I heard struck me in a completely new way.
I thought I'd share the lyrics with you them and let them soak in...I guarantee we ALL know a CRAZY MARY and I would easily bet we all have CRAZY MARY moments in our own lives when we were secretly crying out for someone to notice and reach out to these lyrics and then tomorrow try to really look at those around you without compassion, why not we all do it everyday right?? Not anymore, take some action, it might cost you something...but then again it may cost someone something more if you don't....
by FM Static
Crazy Mary is a slow girl who looks up to no one. Would do anything for a cold one. Wishes she could find her way home. Got the look on her face and her stare's like ray gun. We walked by everyday and I wish there was something I could do for her. Maybe if I took a little time to talk then she'd heal a little if she wants to. She can run but let's teach her how to walk away now. I'll shake a little if she wants to she'll laugh a little if she needs to. There's a key to the door that she's hiding behind. She watches the world pass her by like a freight train. They all call her the same name. Laughin' as they point and stare at her. So she crys out to God up in Heaven, been prayin since she was 11. For Him to send someone to meet her there. Maybe if I took a little time to talk then she'd heal a little if she wants to. She can run but let's teach her how to walk away now. I'll shake a little if she wants to she'll laugh a little if she needs to. There's a key to the door that she's hiding behind. And no one knows all the thoughts, all the dreams, and the ideas she's got and contains inside. She's broken apart and her heart is still lookin for somewhere to feel alright. And no one knows all the thoughts, and the dreams, and ideas she's got and contains inside. (so she can find her way home) She's so broken apart and her heart is still lookin for somewhere to feel alright. (she needs somewhere to find) alright, feel alright, alright. Maybe if I took a little time to talk then she'd heal a little if she wants to. She can run but let's teach her how to walk away now. I'll shake a little if she wants to she'll laugh a little if she needs to. There's a key to the door that she's hiding behind.